Avoid the Average With Your Real Estate Marketing Efforts

There are so many things to consider in real estate marketing, and so many priorities and ideas to balance. Should you find, say, a production point that’s a little above average and ride it for all it’s worth? Hey, it’s probably safe. Not a bad idea at all. Or should you make an extreme plunge into an unknown, and possibly even scary, venture in order to deliver the most effective real estate marketing campaign? That’s a lot to handle. Would be pretty tough. But it could pay off big.

Listen, the internet isn’t going away. Twitter and Facebook and memes aren’t going away. There is simply so much content coming at you all day every day that...what do you even see? What sticks in your brain amidst the volley of advertising arrows raining down on you?

Not the average, that’s for sure.

In fact, you don’t even see the average marketing campaigns. The average ones didn’t reach your phone. The average ones died on the cutting room floor in somebody’s living room because it didn’t raise enough eyeballs. It’s the extreme campaigns - whether it’s extreme in quality, or noticeably funny, or delivers a shock value, or pipes out a professional mic sound including well-chosen audio - it’s those campaigns that you even see. And from there, which do you remember?

But don’t believe us, find the average yourself. Find 20 listings for properties that are similar to yours and study them. Take a picture from each and put it side by side with every listing from your selections. Which 3 are the best? Which 3 are the worst? Which 14 are the average? And then you have to look at your product and ask which category it falls in. And if you can bear it, ask yourself what you have to do to get your content to be better than all of them. That’s extreme, and that’s what works.

Using that portion of your campaign as an example, what do you shoot with? If it’s not a DSLR camera, then you’re probably in the average to above-average range. If it is a DSLR camera but you’re not an experienced professional with it, then you’re probably in the above average range. Hey, not too bad. But..

Brand new DSLR cameras, with multiple lenses, and an experienced operator on the other end is not above average, it is extremely good. Matterport 3D technology that gives your client a doll-house virtual view of their property is extremely good. Same-day delivery, yes...that kind of same-day delivery is in the extremes in turnaround time. That’s what you can do to stand out in your marketing efforts in an extreme way. Hire us.

And we go a step further than that too. We have photographers in different states; Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. Each of these photographers is not just qualified as a professional real estate photographer, but they’re pros in that state. They know the weather, the know the when and how the sun sets and rises. They know that the fairy-tale, drowsy snowfall can produce amazing scenes, whereas the wet, rainy snow just looks sloppy on camera. Our photographers are the real deal and know how to make your home look its best.

Our quality of real estate photography at Archi-Pix was designed from the get-go to avoid the average. Join us in that pursuit.

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